
Space Travel in Galaxy
How astronauts live in space

Sputnik-1 was the world’s first space satellite. it had been successfully embarked on space by a team of Russian scientists on October 4, 1957, from the town of Baikonur, Kazakhstan. The name of the satellite, Sputnik, is that the Russian word for “traveler” Sputnik-1’s successful launch shocked American scientists and engineers, first to send the satellite into space. Sputnik 1’s reported weight was 184 Ibs. (83.6 Kg)

Space Living (Effects of space living)

Prolonged exposure to zero gravity or weight-lessness:
Heart becomes weaker, as without resistance of gravity, it doesn't need to exerting to pump blood. Internal organs within the abdomen float slightly out of position. Mechanisms liable for balance and orientation are severely disrupted. The skeleton deteriorates within the absence of gravity. The bones lose calcium and become weaker and more brittle.

Space Travel

Space Travel in Galaxy
Space Travel

Although evidence is scanty, it appears that four monkeys were the first animals to enter the earth’s stratosphere vi a V-2 rocket launched from White Sands, New Mexico , in 1951. subsequent year Aerobee rockets with monkeys and mice on board were frequently launched to check the consequences of weightlessness. But usually the U.S.S.R. is credited with having started the age of spaceflight by launching the dog Laika into orbit on board “Sputnic 2” on November 3, 1957.

The first untethered activity

Two spacecraft astronauts had made unattached space “walks” to check a replacement jet-propelled backpack, referred to as the manned manoeuvring unit (MMU), which has 24 small nozzies that shoot out nitrogen gas. Bruce McCandless propelled himself 49 metres (160 feet) faraway from the craft before returning thereto . Later, Robert Stewart repeated the feat. Astronauts will now be ready to perform tasks like repairing satellites.

How astronauts live in space

For us it is very easy to live on the Earth because Earth’s gravity always acts on us, but in space specifically inside space shuttles the situation is very different. Inside the shuttles zero gravity is there, so how these astronauts manage themselves in such situations? To sit at one place they have to tie belts otherwise they’re always in floating situation. In space, days and nights aren't like on the world , so astronauts need to maintain their clocks consistent with their body rhythms on the world . They wear disposable clothes as there are not any washing machines in space. But some space shuttles may have a shower. Drinks and soup are served in plastic bags and sipped with straws. Astronauts can eat more solid dishes with a knife and fork – magnets keep the utensils from floating faraway from the board . Prolonged microgravity dulls taste buds, so spicy food is typically a crew favourite. Solid body waste is collected, compressed and stored for disposal. Space toilets do not use water. Instead, astronauts must first fasten themselves to the rest room seat, the air stream carries the waste neatly away. They sleep in abnormal situations so their nervous systems also get affected that they need to require treatment on the world after every space flight. Thus lives of astronauts are just about difficult inside thee shuttles.

Star Facts:- The basic of stellar information

Galaxy Facts for Kids

Zero Gravity (Living in Zero Gravity)

Living in Zero Gravity

After soviet cosomonauts Valery Ryumin and Vladimir Lyakhov had completed their record-breaking 175 days on board the Salyat 6 space station in 1979, they seemed to be in poor shape. For four days they were unable to face unaided, they sweated profusely, their hearts raced, and that they suffered giddiness and nausea. Only after a six-week program of therapy and total rest were they pronounced fit again.

Space Shuttle

About the dimensions of a DC-9 commercial airliner, the shuttle may be a high-tech, rocket-boosted space craft.The shuttle is launched vertically like any other rocket, using its own engines firing along with two attached solid rocket boosters that are jettisoned and recovered for re-use.

Spy Satellite

The Soviet union’s launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite in 1957 caused a world uproar. The satellite was harmless, but there was significant concern in the United States that the Soviets were gaining a tremendous upper hand in space operations. The advantages of satellites, for communications, weather monitoring, and navigation were obvious-and equally obvious was their utility for spying on enemies. Spy aircraft were well-established, a famous example being the United States’s U-2. As the U-2 eventually demonstrated, however, it had been not invulnerable to attack, even at the rarefied altitudes at which it cruised.

Space station being built

Way above the surface of Earth, a replacement space platform is taking shape. It is the international Space Station (ISS), which is being built by 11 European Union contries, the United States, Canada, Russia, Brazil and Japan. The first module, called Zarya, the station’s early propulsion and power module, was launched from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome in November of 1998. Soon after, the spacecraft Endeavor linked America’s Unity module, a passageway and docking port module, to Zarya. Later quite 900 kilogrammes of supplies and hardware were delivered.

Rockets-A flight from the Earth to Space

Rockets-A flight from the Earth to Space

Rockets are launching vehicles which carry payload with them to place it within the orbit outside the Earth’s atmosphere. Rockets were discovered in China, Chinese used the rockets in wars of course those rockets were not like today’s modern vehicle but they were like our Diwali Rockets. Rockets are basic tools for space exploration. Rockets usually work on Newton’s laws of motion and aerodynamic laws. There are many sorts of rockets like solid propellant, liquid propellant, nuclear propellant, plasma propellant, electrically propelled, etc. depending upon the propellant, rockets are being fabricated. All types of rockets have basic components; body tube, nose cone, fins, coupling tube and propulsion systems.
 Finally the main objective of achieving the escape velocity of 11.2 Km/s should be fulfilled, which makes rocket and payload to go beyond Earth’s gravitational force field. Today’s rockets are multistage rockets and far more efficient in their space flight. To look after India’s space programme, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was formed under Dept. of Atomic Energy on 15 August 1969. Since 1972, ISRO is under Dept. of Space. It has developed many rockets which are capable to put payloads weighing more than 1500 kg in space.

Gurugyan :

  • Because of difference in gravity an astronaut weighing 75 kilos on earth would weigh only 28 kilos on mars and 177 kilos on Jupiter.
  • Columbia spacecraft caugh during a big explosion due to one small piece of froth which was stuck on left of an area shuttle.
  • Valentine Vladimirovna Nikolayeva Tereshrova was the first woman to travel in space.
    Saturn 5 
    is that the largest multi stage rocket of the planet being fabricated thus far by us of America.
  • “Sputnik I” The world’s first satellite was about the size of 58cm in diameter, weighed only 83.6 kg and took about 98 minutes to orbit the planet on its elliptical path.
  • In Indian culture eclipse is “Rahu” and in china as well in Africa people think that dragon had swallowed the sun and it will come back by the sound of drum.
  • The Milky Was is so big that the world’ fastest jet, the Black Bird, would take about 30 billion years to cross the galaxy.
  • Solar System lies at 30000 ly faraway from the Centre of the Milky Way and 10000 ly from the halo.
  • More than 100 planet have been found out revolving around the stars outside the Solar System.
  • A normal supernova explosion can produce a glow of more than one hundred million Suns.
  • The largest crater on moon is known as “Mare Imbrium”. It is about the size of Texas.
  • Earth is nearly five billion years old, but life has existed since only 150 to 200 million years. It means life has existed on earth for only 5% to 10% of its lifetime.
  • There quite 600000 space junk in low earth orbit only 13000 is identified rest remains unknown, which may be more dangerous.
  • star has about an equivalent amount of matter because the Sun, but its diameter measures only about km!
  • The nearest candidate known to be a region is Cygnus X 1 which is 8000 light years faraway from us.
  • Orion nebula in Orion constellation is highly active at present for the star formation
  • Ring Nebula in Lyra constellation is a very famous planetary nebula.
  • Our galaxy the Milky Way has 200 globular clusters. In some other galaxy there are thousands of globular clusters.
  • Black dwarf is a hypothetical concept which is not seen in the Universe yet. By looking at present age of the Universe (13.7 billion years), black dwarfs are not seen yet and the observations of the coolest white dwarf are giving resemblance with the age of the Universe. So who knows, still we've to attend for billions of years to ascertain an actual black dwarf!
  • Arizona Crater A big hole in the ground 50000 years ago, an asteroid impact created 570 feet deep and 4100 feet (1.25 kilometers) across hole in the ground.
  • There are 88 constellations known thus far within the Universe. The easiest a part of Orion to identify is straight row of three stars.
  • The comet cloud in Oort Cloud consists of around 1 trillion that means 1000000000000 comet like objects.
  • A typical red giant is 100 times bigger than the Sun. when the Sun will become a red giant star after 5 billion years, it will burn all nearest planets Mercury Venus and probably Earth.
  • Earth is gradually slowing down. One second is added every few years. It is believed that after millions of years, one day on earth will be of 27 hours.

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