Bill Gates                 

         Microsoft Founder

Full Name: William Henry Gates
Born: October 28, 1955
Net worth: 9900 crores USD
Children: phoebe Adele Gates, Jennifer Katharine Gates, Rory John Gates
Country: USA
Spouse: Melinda Gates
Bill Gates a Biography (Microsoft CEO biography)
Bill Gates

Famous for: being the richest man within the world, a cofounder of the software company Microsoft, and for being one among the world’s most generous philanthropists.

§  My success, a part of it certainly, is that I even have focused in on a couple of things.
§   Information technology and business have gotten inextricably interwoven.  I don’t think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other .

§    As we glance ahead into future century, leaders are those who empower others.
§   Be nice to nerds. likelihood is that you’ll find yourself working for one.
§  Microsoft has had its success by doing low-cost products and constantly improving those products and we’ve really redefined the IT industry to be something that’s some tool for people .

§  I believe that if you show people the issues and you show them the solutions they are going to be moved to act.
§  If GM had preserved with technology similar to the industry has, we would all be driving $25 cars that got 1000 MPG.

§    If you can’t make it good, a minimum of make it look good.
§  It’s fine to celebrate success but it's more important to heed the teachings of failure.
§  The Internet is merely surpassed by mental telepathy.
§  Life isn't fair; get wont to it.

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§  Success may be a lousy teacher.
§  is that the rich world tuned in to how four billion of the six billion live? If we were aware, we world want to assist out, we’d want to urge involved.
§   I actually have always loved the competitive forces during this business. you recognize I certainly have meetings where I spur people on by saying, “Hey, we will do better than this. why we aren't out ahead on that?” that’s what keeps my job one among the foremost interesting within the world.

§  i like building the products, seeing people use the products but you recognize beside success comes the requirement for a dialogue with the government.
§  I’m serious once I do my work. I’m not serious when I’m home with my kids.

§  Having kids has been an incredible thing on behalf of me . It’s meant that I’m a bit more balanced. In my twenties I worked massively, hardly took vacation in any respect. Now, I with the assistance of my wife, I’m always ensuring I’ve got a good balance of how I spend my time.

§  I have 100 billion dollars… you realize I could spend 3 million dollars daily, every day, for consecutive 100 years? And that’s if don’t make another dime. Tell you what-I’ll buy your right arm for a million dollars. I provide you with 1,000,000 bucks, and that i get to sever your arm right here.
§    I really had a great deal of dreams once I was a child and that i think a good deal of that grew out of the fact that I had an opportunity to read heaps.

§  I am proud to be a part of an industry that has revolutionized the globe in barely twenty-five years. the pc software industry has produced more new products and services at affordable prices, created more economic opportunity and empowered more people than any other industry at the other time in history.
§  New technologies take time, but they're well worth the wait. Did the PC catch on quickly? Come on. We were talking about them in 1975 and our first 13 customers went bankrupt before we signed up one that survived. That was Apple.

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§  Just in terms of allocation of your time resources, religion isn't very efficient. There’s tons more I might be doing on a Sunday morning.

College Life
Bill Gates a Biography (Microsoft CEO biography)

Bill Gates

§  After graduating from highschool in 1973, Gates attended university.
§  initially he planned to review as a lawyer, but he continued to spend much of his time on computers.
§  He also kept involved together with his friend Paul Allen who was working for Honeywell.

§  When the Altair notebook computer came get into 1974, Gates and Allen decided they may write a BASIC software program to run on the pc .
§  They called up Altair and told them they were functioning on the program.
§  Altair wanted an illustration during a few weeks, but Gates hadn't even started on the program.

§  He worked hard over future month around and, after they finally visited American state to run the software, it worked perfectly the first time.
Interesting Facts about Gates

§  Bill's nickname as a toddler was "Trey" which was given to him by his grandmother.
He scored a 1590 out of 1600 on the SAT.
§  At first Microsoft had a hyphen within the name "Micro-soft". it had been a mixture of microcomputer and software.

§  When Microsoft first began , Gates would check out every line of code before a replacement software package shipped.
§  In 2004, Gates predicted that email spam would be gone 2006. He was wrong thereon one!

§  He was dubbed an honorary knight by Queen Elizabeth. He doesn't use the title "Sir" because he's not a citizen of the uk .
Gates childhood

§  His parents sat for him with a dream of creating a career in law.
§   But he was curious about computing and its programming languages since childhood.

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§   He had his early education at Lakeside School. When he was a student of sophistication VIII, his school bought a computer virus on the ASR-33 telecommunications terminal and General Electric (GE) computer during which Gates showed interest.

§  After that, at the age of just thirteen, he wrote his first computer virus called “Tic-Tac-Toe” and it had been wont to play games on the pc .
§   Gates was very impressed with this machine and was curious to understand how these software codes work.

§  This was a breakthrough in operating software because it replaced text interfaces with graphical interfaces.
§   It soon became a trade book and was ready to capture the bulk of the OS market share.

§  In 1995 Windows 95 was released, setting new standards and features for operating systems.

§  This version of Windows has been the backbone of all future releases from Windows 2000 to the most recent XP and Vista.
§  Throughout his time in office, Gates has been keen to diversify the business of Microsoft. 

§  for instance , Microsoft’s Internet Explorer became the dominant browser , although this was primarily because it came pre-installed on most new computers.
§  One area where Microsoft has never been successful is within the area of search engines.
§  MSN live search has struggled to realize quite 5% of market share. during this respect, Microsoft has been dwarfed by Google.
§  Nevertheless, the success of Microsoft in cornering various aspects of the software market has led to many anti-trust cases.

§  In 1998 US v Microsoft, Microsoft came on the brink of being choppy into three smaller firms.
§  However, on appeal, Microsoft was ready to survive as one firm.
§  Although Microsoft was the dominant computer firm of the 1980s, and 1990s, they're now seen as an ageing and declining company – compared to the more dynamic Google and Apple.


Gates has received numerous awards for philanthropic work. Time magazine named Gates on among the foremost influential people of the 20th century. The magazine also named Gates and his wife Melinda, along side rock group U2’s lead singer, bono, because the 2005 persons of the year.

Gates holds several honorary doctorates from universities throughout the planet. He was knighted as an honorary knight commander of the order of British Empire bestowed by Queen Elizabeth in 2005.
in 2006, gates and his wife were awarded the order of the Aztec Engle by the Mexican government for his or her philanthropic work throughout the planet within the areas of health and education. 

In 2016, the couple were again recognized for his or her philanthropic work once they were named recipients of the presidential medal of freedom by president Barack Obama.

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