
Animals: extinct and endangered

The Kangaroo lives in Australia and New Guinea. Kangaroos can hop up to 40 miles per hour and go over 9 meter in one hop. Their bodies are covered in thick, coarse, wooly hair that can be shades of gray, brown or red. Females carry newborns in a pouch on the front of their abdomens. In which the young live and drink milk. These shy animals live about 6 years in the wild and up to 20 in captivity. They eat grass, leaves, and roots. They swallow their food without chewing it and later regurgitate a cub and chew it. They need little water; they can go for months without drinking, and they dig their own water wells.

Bird cannot fly


Animals: extinct and endangered

They are found in highlands of Tibet, west china and north India and live in large herds of females and young bulls. They have a shaggy coat of blackish-brown hair, long bushy tails and thick undercoat to keep them warm in winter. Yaks can cope with sub-zero temperature as low as -50’c. degree celsicus. Both male and female have curved horns which are used for defence. The male may be over two meter tall and weigh up to 1000 kg. yaks travel huge distances in search of food and manage to live on a scant sappy of grass and herbs. Wild yaks are endangered. Domestic yaks are kept for their milk and butter. Their thick hair is being used to make ropes, tents, and clothing. Yaks generally live 20-25 years.


Crocodiles are water living hunting reptiles. They live mostly in South America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. Crocodiles is almost entirely covered in thick, honey scales with extra plates of bone along the back. They have their nostrils, eyes, and ears on the top of the head. They can breath, see and hear while almost submerged. They have a strong and pointed teeth, and as they become worn they are replaced by new teeth. Crocodiles spend much of the day basking in the sun on sandy riverbanks and mudflats. They become active in the evening and hunt for prey at night. fish is the main food for them. Female makes a nest of mud and plant debris near the water’s edge. She lays her eggs and protects them and gathers in huge mouth and carries them to the water. Crocodiles can swim just with the help of their powerful tail with 40 km per hour, and can stand underwater 2-3 hours.

Animals for kids


Koalas are climbing mammal living among the branch of eucalyptus forests in Australia. This nocturnal animal is about 70-90 cm long and weight is about 4-9 kg. koala gets water from the eucalyptus leaves, each koala eats approximately 200 to 500 grams of leaves per day. A mother Koala carries young in a pouch found on the belly. The baby Koala, is blind, hairless, and weighs less than 1 gram. It then crawls into its mothers pouch completely unaided, relying on its sense of smell, strong forelimbs and claws. Once inside the pouch, baby Koala attaches it stays there drinking milk for the next six months. Koalas sleep for up to 16 hours per day.

Polar bear

Animals: extinct and endangered
Polar Bear

The polar bear are the world’s largest land predators. They can be found in the Arctic, Alaska, Canada, Russia, Greenland and Norway. Adults weigh around 295 kg to 498kg males are heavier than females. Their cubs are born in December in dens dug in drifted snow. Mother’s milk is very high in fat so cubs grow quickly in four months only. Polar bears feed mainly seals. They eat the seal’s skin, fat and internal organs but not the meat. A polar bear’s cat can be from white to yellowish in color. Their white fur helps them blend into the snowy landscape, it is oily and water repellent. The hairs don’t mat when wet, allowing the polar bears to easily shake free of water and any ice that may form after swimming. Polar bears can live to be 25 years old.

Gurugyan :

European explorers asked a Australian what is name of this animal. He replied “Kangaroo” meaning “I don’t understand” your question. The explorers thought this was the animal’s name.
They can climb as high as 20000 feet and yet they can be successfully raised at very ow elevations. Dried dung of yaks is important source of fuel in higher areas.
Many times crocodiles stay on the river banks mouth wide open. That is not an aggressive posture, but a way to cool off : they sweat through the mouth!
Koalas have 6.5 feet a fiber digesting organ in the intestine, which allows more time for bacteria to break down the otherwise indigestible eucalypti fiber.
Polar bears have been observed to swim up to 4 miles per hour. Polar bears have been known to swim 100 miles at a stretch.

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