
Bird cannot fly

Of the 8600 bird species which exist today, the ostrich is the largest. They are found in the wild in certain parts of America sometimes they reach to height of 2.6 m and a weight of 135 kg. they cannot fly, but are very fast runners. They can sprint up to 60 km/h. this is the only bird to have only two toes on each foot. If threatened ostrich presser her long neck flat along the ground blending with the background. Their small, flat heads and long necks are downy and bodies are covered with soft feathers. The females and young males are grayish brown.


Bird cannot fly

The kiwi is found only in the Newzealand. During the day it sleeps in its burrow and at night it looks for worms, insects, learvae, spiders, and berries strong smell and touch sensitive bill. They are the only birds whose nostrils are at the very end of the bill. To escae enemies they rely on the their strong legs, kiwis are fast runners and fierce fighters, they have four toes on each foot each with a large claws. The claws are very usefull when kiwi’s are facing enemies. Kiwi’s egg weighs about 450 gm. Which is about 20% of the mother’s weight. It si grayish brown and about as big as a chicken. It has wings that are not fly formed so it does not fly. The wings are hidden in its feathers. Which are shaggy and hair like.

Bird kingfisher and life of birds

Gurugyan :

This bird is loved by the people of newzeland so much that called them self kiwis. A fruit, a breakfast cereal, and an airline are named after kiwi.
Ostrich eggs are from 6 to 8 inches long each weighs about 1.5 kg and because of their size and the thickness of their shells, they take 40 minutes to hard-boil.

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