Wood peckers

Bird of prey, Bird feathers and species
Wood Peckers

Wood peckers live in wooded areas and forests. They are known for tapping on tree trunks by their strong, pointed beak in order to find insects living in crevices in the bark. They have two sharply clawed toes pointing in each direction to help them grasp the sides of trees and balance while they hammer. There are over 180 species of woodpeckers. Wood peckers live 4-11 years averagely and eat mostly staples insects, along with fruits, acorns and nuts. One of the largest wood pecker species is the ivory billed wood pecker. This species measures from 19 to 21 inches in length and weight from 1 to 1.25 pounds. The Kogera wood pecker, found in Japan, is the smallest species at six inches n length. Male are female wood pecker work together to excavate a cavity in a tree that is used as a nest and to incubate eggs, when they hatches, it is blind and does not have any feathers.

Bird kingfisher and life of birds

Forest owlet

The forest owlet is squarish-headed owl approximately 23 cm in length. They are massive heavily feathered and having large claws. The upper part is dark grey-brown and light brown body and chest is faintly spotted white with a broad white tail-tip. Forest owlet was considered extinct for over a century for exactly 113 years. In November 1997 a group of three Americans has rediscovered the forest owlet, an Indian mystery bird that hadn’t been spotted since 1884. They rediscovered the species in foothills of the Satpura Range, North-east of Mumbai. There are not enough information about their habitat and breeding due to very less population.


Bird of prey, Bird feathers and species

Bats are mammals with body lengths of 3 to 6 inches and wingspans ranging from 8 to 16 inches. The bones during a bat’s wing are almost like those in human arms and hands. There are over 1000 species of bats. There are so many bats they make up ¼ of all the mammals on earth. They can be found in every biome except for the polar regions and extreme desserts 70% of all bats eat millions of insects each night. bats prey on fruit, nectar, fish, small birds,, lizards, frog and other bats. Bats live in caves, buildings, trees and the crevices of rocks. They fly at night and use echolocation to find food and travel safely.


Bird of prey, Bird feathers and species

Coral may be a limestone formation, formed within the sea by many tiny animals, called polyps. Most coral polyps live together in colonies. Coral polyps remove calcium out of the ocean water to create their limestone skeletons. Dead polyps leave limestone “skeletons” that become the foundations of barriers and ridges called coral reefs. The living corals are in beautiful hues of tan orange, yellow purple and green. Coral reefs are important sources of latest medicines which will be wont to treat diseases and other health problems. Coral reefs provide  source of food and shelter to fish, fungi, sponges, sea urchins, sea snakes, sea stars, worms, jellyfish, turties and snails.


Bird of prey, Bird feathers and species

Sponges are strange animal. They don’t have parts inside or outside the body. They stay attached to under water rock or coral reef and don’t even move around. There are from 5000 to 10000 known species of sponges. Most sponges sleep in salt water – only about 150 species sleep in water . They can be smooth as well as hard also. They are brightly colored. Sponges obtain nourishment and oxygen from flowing water. Sponges are filter feeders. Most sponges eat tiny, floating organic particles, some time fish and other creatures too. Some time they attach themselves to crab and travel with it. Sponge skeletons are used in medicine also.

Gurugyan :

The ancient Greeks and romans used sponge to pad their armor and helmets. People still use sponges for scrubbing them self clean.
The largest coral reef in the world is great barrier reef in Australia. It is more than 2000 kilometers long. It is longer than the great wall of china and much wider.
When a bat flies it makes sound that bounce off objects in bat’s path. Creating echoes that tell the bat what lies ahead and help it locate food and enemies.
Forest owlet remains critically endangered and therefore the current population has been estimated at but 250.
Wood peckers tap an estimated 8000-12000 times per day.

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