How we actually see things?
We see things when light bounces off objects and pass though the cornea. Beands the light rays. The mscles adjust the size of the pupil, depending on how strong the light is. Having gone through the pupil, the light rays now come to the lens. The muscles attached to it adjust this shape according to the distance of the object from the eye. Because of the shape of the lens-the image which reaches the retina is upside down and back to front. The retina is made up of two types of cells, rods and cones. They work properly only when there is enough light. When the light is bright, we see very well, Nerves arise from the rods and cones and join together to from the optic nerve. This sends impulses to the brain to be interpreted as shape and colours.

Radio definition, Camera history and battery definition

Body fuel gym
Body fuel gym in form of food to get energy for work. The substances which act as a fuel for our body are water, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals and vitamins.

Carbohydrates are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, which include starch, sugar and cellulose. they are present in cerals such as wheate, rice, maize and other crop like sugarcane. Fats are a greasy substance are include vegetable oils and waxes. Which are present in groundnuts, musterds, coconut, cottonseeds and soyabean. Few protein contains metallic elements such as iron, copper and zinc. Proteins are present in legumes such as lentils, beans and peas. Mineral elements are required to maintain the growth and repair of body tissues. food should contain in much smaller quantity, certain mineral elements. Iron is an important part of haemoglobin and myoglobin. it is present in fruits like apple and banana. Vitamins are organic materials which are found in many food substance.

Endocrine system
body of lies/body mechanics
Endocrine system

Endocrine system is concerned with the chemical coordination. The specific chemicals secreted by endocrine system are called hormones. The effects of hormones are slow as they are produced in one place and their effects are felt at other place. There are well defined endocrine glandes itutary gland is responsible for the all over growth of the body. Thyroid gland secrets thyroxin which accelerate the rate of metabolism inn all cells. Parathyroid glands secrets the hormones which influence the concentration of calcium in blood rises the that of phosphate decreases. Adrenal gland increases concentration of glouse in blood. Pancreas release digestive juices. Testes produces male sex hormones. Female sex hormones are estrogen and projestron these hormones are essential for the development and activity of the male and female sex organs. Scientist have developed a synthetic methods for producing hormones which are used to treat hormonal deficiencies.

From egg to embryo
Male sex cell sperm and female sex cell ovum meets and makes a fertilise egg. after five days of fertilization tiny embryo which is smaller then a full stop takes place inside the uterus. At the four weeks embryo is mostly make up of brain and backbone. At the six weels arms and legs begi to appear and after two months all the main organs are formed. at this point it is called fetus and can be fit into teaspoon. The fetus floats in the amniotic fluid surrounding it and receives nourishment through the umbilical cord.

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The fetus keeps developing at the rate of about 1.5mm each day, doubling its months it can move about, suck its thumb and give kick also. It reaches almost 25 cm that is half of its full length by the end of fifth month. By the end of nine month the fetus would probably weight some where between 3 and 4 kg and be about 50 cm in length. It moves down to the end of the uterus and push out through the cervix in to the vagina by strong rhythmic movement. It leaves the warm safety of the womb to face the out side world. from one fertilized egg splits into two, it produces identical twins.

What is Sense organs
Five sense organs have a special cell known as receptors. They pick up the information and transmit it to the nerves, which is send to the brain. Skin is pressure, pain, hot, cold. Tiny taste buds on the surface of tongue are having Receptors which detects the four basic tastes. Nose receptors are at the top of the nasal cavity are stimulated when odour enters in our nose. When outer ear collects and directs sound wave on eardrum it vibrates and middle ear carries the receptors in the inner ear. Eyes can differentiate the shape. Colours and sizes of objects around us. The retina, which lies on the inner surface of the eye which is sensitive to light. Optical nerves from retina works as receptor and carry a message.

How food travels
body of lies/body mechanics
How food travels

Food provides both a source of energy, as well to help body grow, develop, and repair itself. It travels through the esophagus into the stomach. Where juices mix with the food. The food passes through the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum the three parts of the long tube that’s small intestine. Juices from the liver mush up the food even more, and good things from the food go into blood. The food then goes to the large intestine. The body has extracted needs form the food. What is left is waste which is stored at the end of the large intestine inside the rectum. Muscles push the waste out of the body through the anus, which is that the opening in your bottom.

Gurugyan :
We have two eyes; two slightly different images are being received at the same time. This allows us to see things in depth, i.e. in three dimensional from, and so to judge distances.
There are more than 7000 varieties of apples grown in the world.
“An apple a day keeps doctor away”.
If insufficient Secretion occurs form pituitary gland it result dwarfism and excessive secretion results acromegaly.
The heart is the first organ to begin functioning during embryonic life.
The only a part of the body that has no blood supply is that the cornea within the eye. It takes in oxygen directly from the air.
The small intestine may be a long and narrow tube about 7 meters. the massive 
intestine is so called because it's wide in diameter. However, it is shorter than the small intestine – only about 1.5 meters long.

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