
Animals wild for kids in India

Lions are found only in Africa and Asia. Lion live in groups. Called prides made up of lioness of different ages plus their cubs and one or two male lions. A male lion is usually identified by its big fur collar, called mane and by dark tuff of hair on its tail. A fully developed male lion can grow up to 10 feet in body and female are little smaller. Lion cubs have dark spots when they are born. During the day lions lie in the shade or climb trees and res on branches and in the night they become very active they hunt zebras, buffaloes, and wild hogs, rhinos hippos other large animals of the open grasslands. Lions can run at a top speed of 58 kilometers an hour. But not for long. So teamwork pays off in hunting. Female lions are the pride’s primary hunters life span of lion is about 16-18 years.

Spiders: The silk spinners

Spiders have their skeleton on the outside of their bodies. The insects stick with the sticky threads of the online . Spiders don’t stick with the online due to oil on their bodies. The brightly colored crab spider hides between flower petals and grab insects looking for nectar. Pirate spiders creep inside the webs spun by other spiders and eat them up ground.


Animals wild for kids in India

Wolfs are very much intelligent and social animal. Wolf’s head and body is about 100 to 150 cm and tail is 31-51 cm. their weight is almost 16-60 kg. their fur is thick and typically grey, but can vary from nearly pure white, red, or brown to black.
The are found in Europe, Asia, Canada and Africa. Wolves live in family groups called packs. There are 4 to 36 wolves during a pack. Two to 6 of them occupy the den. Wovies generally travel in packs and frequently establish territories ranging 100 to 1000 square kilometers. They define their ranges with scent markings. They always hunt with their pack and cooperation among them makes them excellent hunter.

Bird cannot fly


Gibbons are forest creatures that live in troops. They have long arms and legs which they use for swinging from branch to branch. Gibbons can go for years without coming down to the ground. When standing upright, gibbons are roughly 80 cm tall and they weigh around 56kg. gibbons are found in tropical rainforest of southeast Asia.
Animals wild for kids in India

Much of a gibbon’s diet consists of fruit, particularly figs, leaves and insects flowers, seeds, tree bark. Gibbons lives in a small family group of a male, female and young ones. Sounds of gibbons are referred as “calls”. Gibbons moves at speeds of up to 30km per hour! Gibbons are also quite good at walking on two feet along the ground. They are a great attraction at zoos because they are such fun to watch.

Ocean fish and chips


The porcupine is a small rodent covered with dark fur and sharp quills. Porcupine’s head and body is about 60 to 90 cm and tall is 20-25 cm. their weight is almost 5 to 16 kg and average lifespan in the wild is about : 5 to 7 years. Porcupines are mostly found in North America, Africa, Asia, and Europe Porcupines are known for their quills. The quills easily come loses if touched and stick in an enemy’s skin. Porcupines generally like to eat the evergreen tree inner bark, berries, seeds, flowers, nuts, and grasses. Salt is usually wanted by porcupines and they’ve also been known to gnaw on antlers and bones for the calcium.

The Ocelot

Animals wild for kids in India
The Ocelot

The Ocelot is spotted cat native to the Americas. The Ocelot’s coat is a tawny yellow color spotted with dark rosettes and spots. Its fur is short smooth and yellowish colour. This patterened fur is also attractive to human’s also people hunt ocelot for its fur. In united status it’s illegal to hunt ocelots and sell their fur. They sleep during the day, usually during a tree. At night they hunt for the rodents, birds, reptiles and fish. Kittens also start hunting with their mother when they are three months old and within one year they stat living by their own. Ocelots have a life span of 7 to 70 years. Ocelots are good swimmers.


Animals wild for kids in India

Armadillo’s unique characteristics distinguishes them from other mammals, the more than stretchable 2000 bony scales cover the head, legs, and back are notable features. This armor bands protect the armadillo from its enemies and helps in movement. The armadillo found in the U.S. is nine-banded armadillo, who can swim, even hold their breath. They hunt mostly at night and eat insects, soft roots and fruits and occasionally dead animals. One armadillo can eat up to 100kg of insects and worms a year. Three-banded armadillo can roll up into a ball to protect itself from predators. The nine banded hides it self in its burrow. They can leap up to a meter in to the air.

Bird kingfisher and life of birds

The Hippo

Animals wild for kids in India
The Hippo

The hippopotamus is found in Africa. The Hippopotamus is about 4.5 feet high at the shoulder and about 13 feet hairless body. Their teeth in the lower jaw are about 61 cm long, weigh almost 3 kg and are valued as ivory. Hippos body exude a pink fluid that keeps their skin moist, and prevent sunburn. Hippos spend most of their day in the water of wallowing in the mud and feeds on aquatic vegetation and often swims more than 40 km in search of food. They eat about 40 kg of grass an evening . the hippopotamus has excellent hearing, sight, and smell, they will live for about 45 years. Hippos cans stay underwater for up to five to six minutes. Hippos can run at speeds of over 20 miles an hour but can’t jump.

Gurugyan :

The lion is an endangered species their lion population of Africa has fallen from 200000 twenty years ago to an appalling 23000 today.
Water spiders are called diving bells because they build bell shaped webs under water. The bell webs trap air bubbles for the spiders to breath.
In the famous story jungle book “Akhela” was the chief of wolf pack decides that  human cub mogali will stay with wolves pack.
Their arms can be two and half times as long as their body length! Their thumb starts at the wrist and not palm of its hand. Which act as hook on branches.
Baby porcupines have very soft quills when they are born, just like cooked spaghetti the quills stiffens quickly after the baby is born. Single animal may have 30000 or more quills.
Smell of a men’s cologne is liked by ocelots more so scientist are now trying to use the cologne to help in their project to raise the number of ocelots.
Nine-banded armadillos always give birth to four identical young the sole mammal known to try to to so. All four young develop from an equivalent egg and that they even share an equivalent placenta.
A hippo can open its mouth wide enough to suit a 4 foot tall child inside.

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